$100,000 Rotary Foundation Giving Milestone Achieved

Our smaller but powerful 27 year old Rotary Club just passed a $100,000 total giving to The Rotary Foundation - the engine that powers much of the good work we do locally and internationally. Way to go Eagle-Garden City Rotarians.  Not a member, join us to find out more! 
$100,000 Rotary Foundation Giving Milestone Achieved Mike Fischnaller 2025-01-22 07:00:00Z 0
Shark Pond Micro Grants 2024-12-05 07:00:00Z 0

Eagle Country Christmas - Dec 14

Eagle Country Christmas
Market Craft Table
This year the Eagle Country Christmas Market is on Saturday, December 14 from noon to 5 pm inside City Hall. We will be manning the kids craft project table from 11:30am to 5:30pm. We practiced this year’s craft project which are little bells made from paper cups, bells and ribbon. One version has glittery stickers around it and the other is a reindeer with pipe cleaner antlers. There will be a bowl of candy to keep the children happy (and us too).

Eagle Country Christmas - Dec 14 Garry Heath 2024-12-05 07:00:00Z 0 Eagle Country Christmas

Nations United Soccer receives GBRF grant!

Posted by Natalie Chavez on May 20, 2024
Recently, the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club was honored to present a Greater Boise Rotary Foundation grant for $2,050 to Nations United Soccer. This nonprofit's mission is to help refugee and immigrant children and teens overcome adversity through soccer. The grant will go toward funding bus transportation for these children and teens, offsetting the estimated cost of $4,600 for 60 riders.  
Nations United Soccer receives GBRF grant! Natalie Chavez 2024-05-20 06:00:00Z 0
Soup With Friends Suzanne Fuentes 2024-03-15 06:00:00Z 0
Chilling 2024 Start for Rotary Youth Exchange Students Suzanne Fuentes 2024-01-28 07:00:00Z 0
Ada County Highway District Headquarters Tour Suzanne Fuentes 2023-10-05 06:00:00Z 0
Eagle-Garden City Rotary at Boise State Football Game Suzanne Fuentes 2023-09-22 06:00:00Z 0
Third Grade Dictionary Project Suzanne Fuentes 2023-09-10 06:00:00Z 0

Making Sure Idahoans Have Enough to Eat

EGC Food Drive_SVDPID. CodyC photo. 20210320Hunger is a global problem, and Idaho is no exception. Too many people, including children and seniors, are not sure where their next meal will come from. Serving these Idahoans are the 34 food banks and pantries scattered throughout the state. Our club has a close relationship with two of them, and we hold food drives to support them in their worthwhile endeavors: the Eagle Community Foodbank and St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho food pantries. Learn more about what food-related service projects our club has done and how they have benefited these organizations. 
Making Sure Idahoans Have Enough to Eat Natalie Chavez 2022-11-17 07:00:00Z 0

Pennies Add Up for World Polio Day

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Oct 22, 2022
Penny jar. NChavez photo. 20221013Although most of our members contribute to PolioPlus, we collect coins and cash in the fall for World Polio Day (falling on Oct. 24 this year) and in the spring for World Immunization Week. Last April, through our Pennies for Polio campaign, we filled a jar and raised $215. This fall, with our renewed Pennies for Polio campaign, we sought to beat that amount!
Our credit union donated plastic piggy banks for members, and for the last four weeks, people have searched under couch cushions, emptied out the cup consoles in their cars, and cleaned out their wallets for polio eradication! At our weekly club meetings, we pooled the coinage in our large jar, and on Oct. 20, we took it to the bank for counting. Well, we blew past last spring's amount, bringing in $266 this time around. That's a lot of change!
That, together with prior donations, brings our club to about 75% of our annual goal for PolioPlus! And we know that we'll soon leapfrog right past that goal. 
Pennies Add Up for World Polio Day Natalie Chavez 2022-10-22 06:00:00Z 0

Monarchs: Symbols of Peace

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Sep 21, 2022
Monarch butterfly. Courtesy of Freed Reed, D5400. 20220921Since 1981, Sept. 21 has been designated the United Nations' International Day of Peace. And the monarch butterflies that we sometimes have the privilege of seeing are a symbolize of peace.
But monarch numbers have dropped dramatically in recent years. To raise awareness of Idaho's state insect and to support pollinators and peace, we can plant milkweed seeds with our clubs, in our communities or with local schools to support pollinators and peace. And fall is the best time to plant milkweed seeds. Learn how you can get free milkweed seeds and why this plant is so important to the monarch butterfly.
Monarchs: Symbols of Peace Natalie Chavez 2022-09-21 06:00:00Z 0

RYLA Inspires Boise High Senior

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Sep 20, 2022
Harrison Haynes. Courtesy of Linda Gerber.This year, the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club sponsored Boise High senior Harrison Haynes' participation in RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). Based on his experience at the July 28-31 camp at the College of Southern Idaho, he said he'll be "able to take charge of my school career more than I ever have before." We love sending students to RYLA and seeing them grow.
RYLA Inspires Boise High Senior Natalie Chavez 2022-09-20 06:00:00Z 0

Promoting Peace, One Exchange at a Time

Posted by Laura Spencer on Aug 23, 2022
RYE Outbound Morgan Parrott_NChavez_20220804In August, I make many trips to the Boise airport to greet Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) students arriving for a year in Idaho. As they walk through those last double doors at security and are greeted by District 5400 Rotarians and host families, I see in them a combination of excitement, fear and exhaustion. But I also see confidence and bravery. Five years ago, I saw that same look in my daughter’s face as we sent her to Belgium for a year. And I see that same look in our outbound student Morgan Parrott, who left recently for Austria on his RYE year. 
Promoting Peace, One Exchange at a Time Laura Spencer 2022-08-23 06:00:00Z 0

1 Week, $370 in School Supplies Collected

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Jul 28, 2022
Gabby, of Family Advocates, welcoming school supplies. NChavez. 20220728 One of the advantages of being a small club is our ability to act quickly in service of others. And this last week demonstrated that ability. We learned that Family Advocates needed school supplies for the children it helps — and in just a week, 13 of our club members donated $370 worth of backpacks, spiral notebooks, looseleaf paper, crayons, colored and #2 pencils, erasers, glue sticks, and so much more! We ARE "people of action"!
1 Week, $370 in School Supplies Collected Natalie Chavez 2022-07-28 06:00:00Z 0

Logo Reflects Big Dreams

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Jul 05, 2022
Imagine RotaryAccording to our new Rotary International president, Jennifer Jones, "When an organization like Rotary dreams about big things like ending polio and creating peace, it becomes our responsibility to make them happen." She added, "You don't imagine yesterday, you imagine tomorrow." From that philosophy stems her 2022-2023 president theme, Imagine Rotary. And the logo is equally inspiring.
Logo Reflects Big Dreams Natalie Chavez 2022-07-05 06:00:00Z 0

My Ecuador Adventures

Posted by CJ Huston on Jun 12, 2022
CJ and Other Rotarians_CJHuston photo_20220502In April, I flew to Ecuador with five other Rotarians from southwest Idaho to see how some grant-funded water projects were coming along and how Rotary might help with other projects. Overall, I think every Rotarian should take such a trip to see what global grants can do and how much they are appreciated by the recipients.
My Ecuador Adventures CJ Huston 2022-06-12 06:00:00Z 0

Making Plans and Setting Goals

Posted by Linda Gerber on Jun 05, 2022
EGC 25th Birthday_LGerber_20220512“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” – Robert Burns

And that Burns' quote best characterizes my year as president of the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club! We had challenges that we have overcome or are overcoming, and yet we committed to exemplifying "service above self," making the most of our 25th birthday and meeting our goals.
Making Plans and Setting Goals Linda Gerber 2022-06-05 06:00:00Z 0

Collecting Pennies for Polio

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Apr 28, 2022
Pennies. CCC_foreverseptember_20220405This year, our club's goal is to raise $1,025 in contributions to the PolioPlus Fund. President Linda Gerber set that goal to signify our $1,000 goal from last year plus $25 for the 25th birthday the club is celebrating this May. And we've more than met that goal, with contributions from club members totaling $1,672 as of April 26. That's nearly $73 per member!
But the fiscal year's not over yet. For World Immunization Week (April 24-30, 2022), we decided to collect pennies (and other coins and bills) for polio up through our April 28 meeting. And generous members gave and gave and gave. At the end of the day, we were able to write a check from the club to PolioPlus for $215. That's a lot of change!
Collecting Pennies for Polio Natalie Chavez 2022-04-28 06:00:00Z 0

A Moment in Eagle-Garden City Club History

Posted by Linda Gerber on Apr 19, 2022
EGC Club Charter_LGerber_20220413May 16, 2022, marks 25 years since the Rotary Club of Eagle-Garden City was chartered.
In that time, we have sponsored many youth projects and activities to support our community. Among those projects are awards to honor teens who have shown persistence in finishing their education, library books for young readers at Whittier School, bike safety clinics at the Boys & Girls Club, tree plantings, highway cleanups, food drives for food banks, financial grants to local charities, and birthday kits for disadvantaged children.
All this "service above self" began with the commitment from 24 community members who realized they could do more together than as individuals. 
A Moment in Eagle-Garden City Club History Linda Gerber 2022-04-19 06:00:00Z 0

Making Kids Birthdays Special

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Apr 15, 2022
Birthday kits from the EGC Club_NChavez_20220414We in the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club are getting as excited as children about our upcoming 25th birthday! And we've been thinking about how we can celebrate this milestone.
One idea really took hold. We recognized that not everyone gets to celebrate their birthday. Children whose families rely heavily on food banks and social services must put basic needs above all else. 
So we decided to create birthday kits for children! Each kit has a cake mix, frosting, birthday candles, sprinkles and can of Sprite (a substitute for the oil, eggs and water) organized in a disposable aluminum cake pan with a clear plastic lid. We've also included a birthday wish from our club and instructions for using the Sprite in place of other ingredients. 
Making Kids Birthdays Special Natalie Chavez 2022-04-15 06:00:00Z 0

Peace Preserve Prepares for City Approval

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Mar 28, 2022
Lots of Rotarians have shown up the last couple of months to bring the Wetland Peace Preserve closer to our vision. In February, volunteers planted riparian cuttings and wrapped trees, while March found Rotarians weeding and mulching the saplings we had planted last fall. Our club's volunteers for these two events included Laura Spencer, CJ Huston and Natalie Chavez. On another track, the WPP advisory committee is preparing for the city approval process.
Peace Preserve Prepares for City Approval Natalie Chavez 2022-03-28 06:00:00Z 0

Stocking Up a Food Bank

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Feb 22, 2022
Liz Hall, Lisa Lavin and Robin Dodson_NChavez_20220217Lots of things weigh almost 300 pounds, a newborn elephant for one.
But that's also the weight of the food the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club donated to the Eagle Community Foodbank recently! According to a formula the foodbank uses, the boxes, bags and pallets of food were valued at $706. We were tickled that, with little effort, we could provide such a huge benefit to this valuable community organization.
Stocking Up a Food Bank Natalie Chavez 2022-02-22 07:00:00Z 0

EGC Volunteers Bring Organizing Talents to the WCA

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Feb 09, 2022
There's no doubt about it: People around here are so generous!
To sort and organize a wealth of donations, several of us spent a couple of hours at the Women's and Children's Alliance at the corner of 8th and Franklin in downtown Boise on Thursday, Feb. 9. Our WCA "boss," Lupe, led us through a warren of hallways and rooms, all floor to ceiling with pillows, sheets and towels, toys, laundry and cleaning products, and so much more. It was both amazing and heartwarming.
EGC Volunteers Bring Organizing Talents to the WCA Natalie Chavez 2022-02-09 07:00:00Z 0

Good-Bye, False Indigo

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Jan 28, 2022
Cutting false indigo branches_TFischer_20220123Geared up in warm coats and armed with garden tools, 15 Rotarians and family from across the Treasure Valley strode off to combat false indigo on Saturday, Jan. 23. The Wetland Peace Preserve has areas infested with this invasive shrub that need to be cleared for native foliage to thrive. 
Good-Bye, False Indigo Natalie Chavez 2022-01-28 07:00:00Z 0

Five Nonprofits Receive EGC Grants!

Posted by Cathy Sears on Jan 25, 2022
Creative Commons. Courtesy of Jeremy Brooks.The Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club is pleased to announce that five nonprofits from the Treasure Valley have been awarded a total of $3,000 in grants through our winter 2021-2022 grant cycle:
  • Family Advocate Program, Inc., $500
  • Agency for New Americans, $250
  • Girls on the Run, Inc. (dba Girls on the Run Treasure Valley), $1,000
  • Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce, $1,000
  • Purses With a Purpose Boise, $250
Five Nonprofits Receive EGC Grants! Cathy Sears 2022-01-25 07:00:00Z 0

Pierce Park 5th Graders Help Wrap Gifts!

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Dec 21, 2021
Holiday gift wrap_NC_20211209The Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club's annual Christmas party for Pierce Park students evolved to focus on giving rather than receiving this year. Twenty-one 5th-grade students helped us by wrapping gifts for 42 children ranging in age from infants to late teens. First names and ages were given to us by Family Advocates, after which club members purchased cold-weather items like knit hats and gloves, candy canes and $5 McDonald gift cards to give to the children. Pierce Park 5th graders wrote holiday greetings to the gift recipients and then wrapped them in tissue paper and put them into festive gift bags. 
Pierce Park 5th Graders Help Wrap Gifts! Natalie Chavez 2021-12-21 07:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Dig In!

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Oct 24, 2021
Kristen demonstrates planting_TFischer_20211023Wetlands may seem like boggy, brushy areas that tear at our jackets and cake our shoes in mud. But they are vital to their functional ecosystems.

For example, did you know that plant roots and microorganisms in wetlands filter impurities from surface water as it seeps into groundwater aquifers? And because wetlands are biological “supermarkets” for wildlife, many birds “shop” in these areas during seasonal migrations or stay for a bit to breed and raise their young.
Rotarians Dig In! Natalie Chavez 2021-10-24 06:00:00Z 0

Shakespeare in the Park

Posted by Linda Gerber on Oct 20, 2021
This summer, 13 Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club members, friends and family volunteered at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s performance of "The Tempest."
It was an opportunity to help this wonderful organization that provides quality entertainment and educational experiences to the youth in our community. By cleaning the seating, passing out programs and picking up trash, volunteers free up the professionals in the theater company to concentrate on other duties.
It was a rewarding experience and a way to support others.
Shakespeare in the Park Linda Gerber 2021-10-20 06:00:00Z 0
Join the Semilla Nueva Team! Mike Sieler 2021-06-17 06:00:00Z 0
EGC Collects 1,850 Pounds of Food for St. Vincent Fred Devlin 2021-05-01 06:00:00Z 0

Gift Cards Go a Long Way to Helping Families

A key project for Pierce Park Elementary had to change this year, given the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of hosting a Christmas party for children in need, the Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club provided $25 Fred Meyer gift cards to 60 Pierce Park families and 24 Eagle Hills families. This project was made possible by club members' contributions and by the special grant we received from District 5400.
Gift Cards Go a Long Way to Helping Families CJ Huston 2021-02-26 07:00:00Z 0

Club Awards Grants to Two Nonprofits!

Helping hands. Creative Commons. Stewart Black photo.We are pleased to announce that two nonprofits from the Treasure Valley have been awarded $1,000 grants through our winter 2020-2021 grant cycle: St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho and the Learning Lab. 
Club Awards Grants to Two Nonprofits! Perry Brown 2021-01-29 07:00:00Z 0

Eagle/Garden City Holds Food Drive

On Saturday, Oct. 3, we held a very successful food drive for St. Vincent de Paul at the Albertsons in Eagle.
For eight hours, 10 of our club members — plus one grandson, one son and one spouse — encouraged shoppers to donate groceries to St. Vincent de Paul. And shoppers helped out! We collected eight baskets of nonperishable food items that went to one of the five food pantries operated by the nonprofit. A huge shout-out to Albertsons for generously contributing a few cases of Ramen noodles — as were we! 
Eagle/Garden City Holds Food Drive CJ Huston 2020-10-07 06:00:00Z 0

Staying Engaged While Staying Apart

Doing yardwork at JEMfriendsLike many clubs across our district, Eagle/Garden City is struggling to find ways to serve others while remaining safe and connected to each other and the community. Being creative and flexible are key in these challenging times. Some of our projects require modifying or rescheduling; however, some just require us to roll up our sleeves, get outside and get dirty.
Staying Engaged While Staying Apart Laura Spencer 2020-07-30 06:00:00Z 0

D5400 Will Match Your COVID-19 Contribution

Many Rotarians in our district are asking, “What can I do to help in the fight against COVID-19?” A donation to The Rotary Foundation’s Disaster Response Fund is one way.  And District 5400 is committing $15,000 of its DDF (District Designated Funds) to match individual and club donations to this fund. This is a one-to-one match, and all Disaster Response Fund contributions back to July 1, 2019, are eligible.  
D5400 Will Match Your COVID-19 Contribution 2020-05-13 06:00:00Z 0

EGC to the Rescue With Art Supplies for Pierce Park

EGC members delivering art supplies to Pierce ParkAlways wanting to do more to enhance our community, the Rotary Club of Eagle/Garden City asked nearby Pierce Park Elementary how we could help. School counselor Sarah Dunn said that providing some art supplies would be great. Most teachers can’t afford them, and the Boise School District doesn’t provide supplemental funds for such supplies. 
Understanding the plight of Idaho teachers who, according to the Economic Policy Institute, spend on average more than $400 of their own money on supplies for their student, we committed to the project. Armed with a two-page Google list of all the things the Pierce Park teachers would love for art projects, four of our club members (led by Gene deLaveaga) headed to Quality Art Supply in Garden City.
EGC to the Rescue With Art Supplies for Pierce Park Natalie Chavez and Gene deLaveaga 2020-03-12 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary Is Monitoring COVID-19

Matt Stebbins was on to something when he advised club members (tongue in cheek) to stay 6 feet away from him!
Like many of us wondering how best to protect ourselves, it's encouraging that organizations like Rotary are monitoring the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and keeping us abreast of changes to events like the Rotary International Convention this June in Honolulu. According to its latest update (March 3), RI recommends that Rotary members follow the guidelines set by the World Health Organization and national, regional or local health authorities to protect the health and safety of our members and program participants.
At this point, the best protection is in your hands ... quite literally. Read what WHO recommends.
Rotary Is Monitoring COVID-19 Natalie Chavez 2020-03-07 07:00:00Z 0

Update Your Profile in ClubRunner!

ClubRunner LogoIsn't it frustrating when you want to call or email another Rotary club member but you don't know the phone number or email? Well, ClubRunner is your answer! It's a valuable tool — a one-stop shop, if you will — for Rotary clubs, serving as database, wed editor, calendar and so much more. But to serve these functions, it's vital that every member keep his or her contact information updated. Here are the basics for ClubRunner.
Update Your Profile in ClubRunner! Natalie Chavez 2020-01-09 07:00:00Z 0

Eating Lobster to Benefit Young People!

Posted by Linda Gerber on Oct 30, 2019
Lobster on the plate! NChavez photoAloha from Lobster Fest! This year, the event went Hawaiian to raise funds for service organizations that benefit youth. Four local Rotary clubs, including our Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club, joined together Saturday, Sept. 28, at BSU's Jordan ballroom for a dinner and auction. And we had a wonderful time!
Eating Lobster to Benefit Young People! Linda Gerber 2019-10-30 06:00:00Z 0

Are EMFs Keeping You Awake at Night?

Posted by Gene de Laveaga and Natalie Chavez on Oct 27, 2019
Our presentation at this week's luncheon featured Cathy Cooke of Whole Home and Body Health. As a certified expert in holistic nutrition and building biology, she and her company dig deep to address underlying imbalances in people's bodies, looking especially at nutrition, exercise, mental outlook and stress, as well as at chemicals, mold and EMFs in their homes and workplaces. Just in time for Halloween, we were scared silly but inspired by her focus on EMFs or electric and magnetic fields
Are EMFs Keeping You Awake at Night? Gene de Laveaga and Natalie Chavez 2019-10-27 06:00:00Z 0

Giraffe Laugh: We Can See the Future From Here

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Oct 09, 2019
Giraffe Laugh LogoCassandra Wagner, philanthropy director for Giraffe Laugh, was the featured speaker at our Oct. 3 lunch meeting. Idaho is one of only four states that do not offer funded public preschool. In response, this nonprofit provides early education and nurturing to young children by ensuring school readiness, empowering families and building strong future. She shared not only about the organization's participation in Preschool the Idaho Way but also about its new facility opening in Garden City next year. Giraffe Laugh is always seeking volunteers, donated items contributions. You can help!
Giraffe Laugh: We Can See the Future From Here Natalie Chavez 2019-10-09 06:00:00Z 0

No Happy Ending — Yet

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Oct 01, 2019
Courtesy of Caring Hearts High School. Hallmark movies often put their characters in challenging situations, but we all know that it’ll work out in the end.
Not so with the Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club’s attempt to bring the district’s first exchange student from Africa. We’ll call her Mary. Despite the best efforts of our club, the Idaho Fine Arts Academy in Eagle, and Dr. Vincent Kituku’s nonprofit Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope, our movie featuring Mary did not have a happy ending. That said, we're not giving up!
No Happy Ending — Yet Natalie Chavez 2019-10-01 06:00:00Z 0

Dr. Kituku Inspires EGC Members

Posted by Gene de Laveaga on Sep 20, 2019
Dr. Vincent Kituku and Judy SecristDr. Vincent Kituku, founder and director of Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope, spoke at our Sept. 12 Rotary meeting. This nonprofit's primary mission is to identify orphaned or poverty-stricken children in Kenya who might otherwise be forced into early marriage, child labor or destructive lifestyles and give them a quality high school and university education. His stories and message inspired us — and moved a number of our members to stay after and learn how they could help. After the meeting, the Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club presented Dr. Kituku with a gift of $600 for his nonprofit.
Dr. Kituku Inspires EGC Members Gene de Laveaga 2019-09-20 06:00:00Z 0

The GBRF Is Giving Away Money!

Posted by Liz Hall on Sep 13, 2019

Money_CC 401kcalculator.orgThe Greater Boise Rotary Foundation awards about $40,000 a year to Ada County nonprofit organizations. And it's time for organizations seeking large grants ($10,000-$25,000) to start the application process for projects they'd like the GBRF to fund. So pass this information to your favorite nonprofit and let them know about this fabulous opportunity! The first step is for your favorite nonprofit to submit a letter of inquiry by midnight on Thursday, Oct. 10.

The GBRF Is Giving Away Money! Liz Hall 2019-09-13 06:00:00Z 0

EGC Club Welcomes Three Transfer Members!

Posted by Russell Bishop
EGC's Russell Bishop welcomes Dennis and Kathy Creighton and Rebecca BlewettThe Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club officially welcomed three transfer members, and we could not be more excited! I'm shown here with Dennis Creighton, Kathy Creighton and Rebecca Blewett on my left. These three members bring enthusiasm for service and perspectives on how other clubs work. They will help guide us toward our vision of enriching the lives of our community, especially our youth.
EGC Club Welcomes Three Transfer Members! Russell Bishop 2019-09-08 06:00:00Z 0

Nominations Open for District Governor

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Aug 14, 2019
Hey club members! We all know what a big job it is to govern District 5400. And we've had some amazing people filling that slot in recent years. But the process of nominating and preparing Rotarians to serve as district governor (DG) never ends. It's time to submit nominations for 2022-2023! Put on your thinking cap and share your ideas at an upcoming Eagle/Garden City Rotary meeting.
Nominations Open for District Governor Natalie Chavez 2019-08-14 06:00:00Z 0

Suspicious Email Leads to Gift for Dictionary Project

Posted by CJ Huston on Jul 24, 2019
SCAEOP Presents Check to EGC_LS_20190718Way back in mid-February, I received an email that simply said, “I will be visiting your state this summer and am considering your organization to partner with for our service project. Please contact me at 972-xxx-xxxx.” 
Hmmm, Dallas, Texas? Being curious, I called. Even after talking with Diana Rodriguez, I was a bit doubtful. Now I'm so glad I followed up on the email — and here's why.
Suspicious Email Leads to Gift for Dictionary Project CJ Huston 2019-07-24 06:00:00Z 0

Envisioning Our Club's Future

Posted by Fred Devlin on Jul 09, 2019
Terry Gilbert, Darrell Manning and Fred Devlin at Visioning Workshop_NC_20190601
A while back, I wrote a blog about a visioning exercise that the Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club is undertaking. The goal is to help us envision our future direction and priorities. We are looking at what our club's personality is, what type of a club we are, what characteristics are important to us and which areas of community service we want to focus on over the next three years. 
Assisted by three trained facilitators, all of whom are local Rotarians, 13 members of our club met for over four hours on June 1. The discussion was lively and fruitful!
Envisioning Our Club's Future Fred Devlin 2019-07-09 06:00:00Z 0

Spirits Soared at the District Celebration

Posted by Fred Devlin on May 23, 2019
CJ Huston and Fred Devlin with award at the District Celebration.NChavez photo.Several members of the Eagle/Garden City Rotary Club had a very special experience over the weekend of May 17 through 19. That experience was the 2019 District 5400 Celebration, which was held in Boise for the first time in many years, if ever. Historically, Sun Valley has hosted the annual conference, and perhaps this new venue was a trigger for inspiration and energy as the event was truly one to remember. Led by the boundless spirit and creativity of District Governor Jennifer Deroin, EGC members Gretchen Brown, Natalie Chavez, Gene de Laveaga, C.J. Huston, Mike Sieler and I, along with more nearly 300 other Rotarians laughed, cried, worked and played our way through a remarkable weekend.
Spirits Soared at the District Celebration Fred Devlin 2019-05-23 06:00:00Z 0

From the President: Looking to the Future

Posted by Fred Devlin on Apr 05, 2019
Former president Cathy Sears passing the gavel to Fred DevlinRecently, Gen. Darrel Manning, founding member of the Rotary Club of Eagle/Garden City, wrote about the start of our club almost 22 years ago. We began with 25 members — a level we wanted to maintain — and that’s about where we are today. As Gen. Manning said, we take pride in being a small and nimble organization that can move quickly and get things accomplished efficiently. All of this is done with a great spirit of friendship, respect and collegiality. Now as we reflect on our past, we see opportunities for growth in the future. This is the first of several blogs I'll write about our plans and progress. Read more and check back soon!
From the President: Looking to the Future Fred Devlin 2019-04-05 06:00:00Z 0

What Is Rotex?

Posted by Laura Spencer on Mar 27, 2019
Rotex North AmericaRotex, is it the same as Rotaract or Interact? Where do "Rotexers" fit into my Rotary club? I'm glad you asked. Rotexers are young people who have completed a Rotary youth exchange and wish to continue service with their local youth exchange program and clubs. These youth, usually between 17 and 30, are not necessarily Rotary members. But they live, work and study within our communities and have a thirst for service and leadership. 
What Is Rotex? Laura Spencer 2019-03-27 06:00:00Z 0

EGC Rotary Is a Youngster Among Rotary Clubs

Posted by Darrell Manning on Mar 20, 2019
Celebrate Rotary International's 114th anniversary!Chicago attorney Paul Harris formed the Rotary Club in 1905 to bring together professionals with diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas, form lifelong friendships and give back to their communities. Rotary's name came from the group's early practice of rotating their meetings among the offices of its members. That was 114 years ago, and now the organization has 1.2 million members around the globe. Rotary's anniversary reminds General Darrell Manning about the beginning of the Rotary Club of Eagle-Garden City in 1996. We're not at 114 years yet, but we're still counting!
EGC Rotary Is a Youngster Among Rotary Clubs Darrell Manning 2019-03-20 06:00:00Z 0

D5400 Brings Home the Bronze

Posted by Laura Spencer on Mar 18, 2019
Bronze certificate of achievement for D5400's RYE programDistrict 5400 Rotarians traveled to Denver for the North American Youth Exchange Network conference, held March 13-17. They went carrying pins, business cards, proven Rotary Youth Exchange practices, and a thirst for new ideas. They returned with a bronze-level certificate of achievement for our leadership and quality RYE program.
D5400 Brings Home the Bronze Laura Spencer 2019-03-18 06:00:00Z 0

It's Dance Marathon Time!

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Feb 19, 2019
This Friday, Feb. 22, our waitress extraordinaire Martina McAllister is strapping on her dancing shoes and preparing to bust 17 hours of moves to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network.
That's right, it's time for BSU's annual Dance Marathon! This year, the students have set their sights high, at $208,000. This money goes to the St. Luke's Children's Hospital, paying for a gamut of needed supplies for sick children and their families. Open your wallet and give generously today!
It's Dance Marathon Time! Natalie Chavez 2019-02-19 07:00:00Z 0
Spreading a Love of Words Linda Gerber 2018-12-11 07:00:00Z 0
On Hosting Julia from Finland! Natalie Chavez 2018-11-12 07:00:00Z 0

Inspired by a Visit from Our District Governor

Posted by Natalie Chavez on Nov 04, 2018
Be the InspirationDistrict Governor Jennifer Deroin visited the Eagle-Garden City Rotary Club November 1 to urge us to "be the inspiration." Using the metaphor of spindles of thread that can be woven into beautiful tapestries, she encouraged each of us to "pull the thread" of our potential and weave it into the Rotary tapestry of our lives. 
Inspired by a Visit from Our District Governor Natalie Chavez 2018-11-04 06:00:00Z 0
Rotary Park on the Greenbelt Gene de Laveaga 2017-10-17 06:00:00Z 0

How to Serve Others?

Posted by Troy Knutson on Nov 01, 2011
Our motto, "Service Above Self," embodies our humanitarian spirit. Rotary’s Avenues of Service guide our activities:
How to Serve Others? Troy Knutson 2011-11-01 06:00:00Z 0

You May Ask, What is Rotary?

Posted by Troy Knutson on Nov 01, 2011
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Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. You may also ask, can I be a Rotarian?

You May Ask, What is Rotary? Troy Knutson 2011-11-01 06:00:00Z 0